Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today I decided to change things up a bit and go with a drawing that I found on the internet rather than drawing one myself. This will be a two class project so this is due Thursday. Next Monday we will be moving on so get caught up by the end of class Thursday. This drawing is worth 20 points, for an additional bonus 20 points draw one of the views of the castle's exterior. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Once again I have hand drawn a model of a deck that belongs to my dog Roof Barkington. Since I free handed this drawing my proportions are slightly so off so that means when you draw this design in autocad your drawing will look more correct and better. The squiggly looking clouds around the perimeter of the deck are bushes, shrubs and trees. There are block symbols in autocad to use or you can draw them. The rock path that leads to the brick landing does not need to be drawn exactly as the picture just well enough to present the idea that there is indeed a rock path. I'm sorry for the wrinkles in the drawing, these occurred as I was taking a picture of the drawing. The "L" shaped objects in the corner of the deck are benches and the triangles in the center of the benches are 1'4" triangles with a 0.25' inset with ferns (plants) in the middle. Notice there are no toilets on the deck, that's because my dog hasn't actually had this deck built yet, he just designed it from a dream he had and in his dreams he has no urinary issues. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

2nd and 3rd Floors of Roof Barkington Estate

Here are the second and third floor to the Roof Barkington Estate that my dog travels the countryside in. Now be very careful when drawing these rooms because your drawing will not look like mine. Some rooms have doors and some do not but all rooms must have a toilet INCLUDING the balcony. Now I did NOT draw the toilet on the balcony so this is a test of how well you read directions. I will take off points if the toilet on the balcony is not there.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New Project: the Roof Barkington Estate

I want you to draw the first image of the outside view of the Roof Barkington Estate. The dimensions are 9'x12'. Now that's all the info I am going to give you about it. I don't care if you get it to look correct and I don't care about colors in this project. On future projects I will provide more measurements but on this one just do the best you can and I am grading you on your effort. On the first floor drawing, your drawing will look more correct that's because I drew mine with my finger on an ipad. I will introduce the following floors to the Roof Barkington Estate in future classes. My dog travels a lot and this is what he stays in and he would like to see what his house looks like in autocad. 

Monday, February 10, 2014